
Azure App Service Deployment

This guide provides instructions for deploying Cohere’s Toolkit on Azure App Service using Docker Compose.



Before starting, ensure you have:

Deployment Steps

1. Log in to Azure and set the subscription

2. Configure the setup script

Set the deployment script variables in the azure_compose_deploy/ file:

LOCATION=canadaeast # Azure region
RESOURCE_GROUP=toolkitResourceGroup # Resource group name
APP_NAME=toolkit-app # App name
APP_INSTANCE_SKU=P1V3 # App instance SKU
APP_PLAN_NAME=toolkit-app-plan # App plan name
REGISTRY_NAME=toolkitregistry # Docker Registry name
REGISTRY_SKU=Basic # Docker Registry SKU
DB_SERVER_NAME=toolkitpostgre # Database server name
DB_ADMIN_USER=postgres # Database admin user
DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=postgres # Database admin password
DB_SKU_NAME=Standard_B1ms # Database SKU name
DB_TIER=Burstable # Database tier
DB_STORAGE_SIZE=32 # Database storage size

3. Set environment variables

4. Deploy the Toolkit

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the cloned repository.
  2. Run the deployment script:
  3. Loggin to Azure in the browser and grant access to the Azure CLI.
  4. Chose the subscription to use in the console.
  5. The script will deploy the Toolkit to Azure App Service.
  6. Once the deployment is complete, wait for the services to start.
  7. To check logs navigate to the Azure portal and see the logs for the toolkit-app service.

5. Clean Up

Detailed Description

The provided deployment script uses Azure cli to set up an Toolkit application, database and services on Azure. This deployment includes:

Production Considerations