
Gmail Tool Setup

To set up the Gmail tool you will need to configure API access in Google Cloud Console.

Follow the steps below to set it up:

1. Create Project in Google Cloud Console

Head to the Google Cloud Console and create a new project. After creating the app, you will see the APIs & Services section. Under Enabled APIs & services, enable the Gmail API.

Before you can generate the API credentials, you must first configure the OAuth consent screen.

You will need to configure the Application home page and Authorized domain 1 fields, with a URL and domain that point to where you are running the Toolkit. If you are running it in a local environment, Ngrok can be used as a proxy to access the to the Toolkit in local. Using localhost is not accepted value for these fields.

If you choose to use Ngrok, you can start it with:

ngrok http -domain <your_custom_domain> 8000

And then use the domain you used here in the OAuth Consent Screen configuration.

3. Generate Credentials

Once the OAuth consent screen has been configured, choose the Credentials menu option. Click + CREATE CREDENTIALS at the top, and choose the OAuth client ID option.

If running the Toolkit in your local environment, you can use http://localhost as the Authorized Javascript origin.

For the Authorized redirect URI, it must point to the Toolkit backend. The path should be /v1/tool/auth. For example:


3. Set Up Environment Variables

Then set the following environment variables. You can either set the values in your secrets.yaml file:

    client_id: <your_client_id from the previous step>
    client_secret: <your_client_secret from the previous step>

or update your .env configuration to contain:

GMAIL_CLIENT_ID=<your_client_id from the previous step>
GMAIL_CLIENT_SECRET=<your_client_secret from the previous step>

4. Enable the Gmail Tool in the Frontend

To enable the Gmail tool in the frontend, you will need to modify the src/interfaces/assistants_web/src/constants/tools.ts file. Add the TOOL_GMAIL_ID to the AGENT_SETTINGS_TOOLS list.

export const AGENT_SETTINGS_TOOLS = [

To enable the Gmail tool in the frontend for the base agent, you will need to modify the src/interfaces/assistants_web/src/constants/tools.ts file. Remove TOOL_GMAIL_ID from the BASE_AGENT_EXCLUDED_TOOLS list. By default, the Gmail Tool is disabled for the Base Agent.

export const BASE_AGENT_EXCLUDED_TOOLS = [];

5. Run the Backend and Frontend

run next command to start the backend and frontend:

make dev